Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Go BC!

I am down to just two more days of eating without the PEG tube for my 14 consecutive day count.  That will happen on this Thursday.  I've managed to keep my weight where it was when this started--the other key part of this deal.

In some ways, this has seemed pretty easy.  The days have gone by pretty fast, especially when I was four days in without really knowing it (see last post).

In other ways, this has been another struggle in Cancer World.  Every bite of solid food has to be thought through, chewed (awkwardly) many times, and then carefully swallowed after several tries and a lot of water.  All that, without any of the food dripping down my chin and onto my shirt. If I try to eat too much in one sitting, I get mentally fatigued from having to pay such close attention to something that 99.99% of people give no real thought to.  That is now the price of living without the PEG tube.  That, and a greatly reduced selection of food choices, probably for the rest of my life.  If beer, wine and bourbon were solid foods, I'd be in a full blown funk right now.

Terry and I are going to Boston this weekend.  The main purpose of the trip is to see the Boston College v. Notre Dame football game--at Fenway Park!  Oddly enough, it's ND's home game--go figure how those little green arrogant bastards managed that.  BC is having a terrible year, and ND has high hopes to make the national championship playoffs, which would make an upset even more sweet to see in person.  ND has spit in BC's face by playing one of their 'home' games about 5 miles from the BC campus--and desecrating the Boston sports temple called Fenway Park.  It just ain't right.


But, I digress, so let me say it straight and simple: Fuck the Fighting Irish.

Right, Paully?

Ok--tirade over.  Back to Cancer World.

If all goes well, the PEG tube will come out before Christmas.  That will be a huge step in the right direction.  We meet with Dr. Roser next Tuesday, and hope to start a discussion about dental work to replace all of the teeth I've lost to ORN and surgeries.  That will not be an easy or painless process, but it will indicate some significant progress towards making eating more enjoyable and efficient.  I could really use that step forward.


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