Wednesday, April 27, 2016

T-Minus 1 Week

Exactly one week from now I'll be getting prepped to occupy my reserved table on the Emory Midtown Hospital surgical floor.  So, it's time to ask Team Mike to start stockpiling those Good Vibes again.

The procedure should last less than two hours and the plan is to have me home sometime that afternoon.  I hesitate to jinx myself with the usual disclaimer that starts with "Unless..." but the reality is always there that both the procedure and my stay at Emory could be longer.

One of us will post as soon as possible, but if it's me and it starts with


you won't have to read any further.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Surgery Postponed

The upcoming surgery has been moved back to May 4.  Dr. Roser had an emergency case that needed my regular table at the Emory Surgical Facility more than me so I got bumped back two weeks.  Actually, that was good news--it was going to be very tight to get the semester wrapped up by April 20th and avoid grading papers and exams while on full doses of Oxycontin.  Can't say whether that is a good thing or a bad thing for my students.

So, gear up the next round of Good Vibes for May 4th.  I have been told to expect about 7-10 days of down time afterwards, and 2-3 weeks of even softer foods than I'm eating now.
