Monday, July 27, 2009

Waiting Game Over--We Win!

We got a call this afternoon from the surgeon who did the procedure on Mike last week. He had just conferred with the oncologist after reading the pathology lab report.

Wonderful news! All of the tissue samples from the original tumor area were NEGATIVE! Combined with the reading of the MRI from last week, the doctors are now saying with a high degree of confidence that Mike is cancer-free in the neck and throat areas.

They are now allowing Mike to heal for another 8 weeks--at which time another PET scan will be taken.

During those weeks, Mike will continue to eat more 'regular' food when he can, in the hopes of having the feeding tube removed well before the PET scan comes around.

While today's news could not be more positive at this time, the possibility is still there that some cancer cells (aka, Prairie Dogs) remain. But, for the first time in about 6 months, we have the mindset that the cancer is gone--you can't imagine how good that feels to us!

Our thanks go out to all of you who follow the blog and send good vibes, positive thoughts, prayers, and weird cards to us--we could not have made it this far without your love, support, and humor.

Mike continues to lose weight, but at a much slower rate than before. And Terry swears that the hair on the back of Mike's neck is coming back--so there are many other signs that Mike's recovery is going better every day. He says he'll really know things are back to normal when he can bite into, taste, and swallow a slice of white pizza at Rosa's.


Terry and the Lean, Clean, Prairie Dog-less Machine

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Waiting Game

Mike's surgery went well this morning, especially because establishing an airway was a "breeze" this time around. We are home and he is resing comfortably with very little pain due to the shot of dalauded (sp?)

We got good news and mixed news.

The good news, first. The doc didn't feel that it was necessary at this time to remove the lymph node on the right side, because it really didn't show up on the most recent MRI that was done over the weekend.

Now for the mixed news: We don't have the results of the core needle biopsy and the multiple biopsies of the base of tongue. The doctor felt that it wasn't necessary to do a frozen section at this time and that it would be better to wait for the official report. He did say that he didn't feel anything "hard" in the base of tongue area like he did with the original biopsy in February.

So now, we are playing the waiting game, hoping that all of the reports come back negative for cancer.

We'll post again after follow-up appointments with the surgeon and the oncologist in the next couple weeks. We are anticipating that another PET scan will be ordered, too.

The prayers, good wishes and vibes are really working for us. Keep up the good work!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Procedure to be done July 23rd--Need Good Vibes

Mike's follow-up procedure has been moved up a week, to Thursday, July 23rd. The procedure will include two parts. The first part will be a biopsy of the original tumor area to verify that the the cancer is 100% gone from that location. The second part will be to take out the lymph node that showed up "hot" on his last PET scan. That could mean his cancer has spread to that area, or it could be just a residual effect from the radiation treatments. Either way, it's coming out and will be lab tested after that.

We are hoping that this procedure will give Mike a 100% clean bill of health, making him cancer-free. Please send your prayers, thoughts and other good vibes to him on that day. We'll post the results as soon as we are able.

Mike is making great progress in eating food orally. He can chew and swallow soft foods like eggs, soups, and some pastas. He is hoping to be far enough along to have the feeding tube taken out once he has healed from this next procedure.

Mike has felt strong enough to teach summer classes, and has enjoyed getting back to the office and interacting with students.

So, the news is very good on many fronts, but he still has a ways to go to get back to "normal", if that will ever happen.

Thanks again to all of you who check the blog regularly, and please keep the messages coming as the 23rd approaches.

Mike and Terry