Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Counting Days, Getting Ready for the Vortex

After two weeks at the beach, we were home for just three days before we headed to New York State for my niece Laura's wedding.  It was a great setting, and we had great weather--except for the frost on our first morning there.  I got to see my brothers, sisters, and extended family in one place since I can't remember when.  Best wishes to Laura and Mike for a long and happy life together, and we were glad it worked out for us to make it.

Now that we are home it's time to get our ducks in a row for the events on June 19th and beyond.  It looks like a week in the hospital, followed by 2 weeks at home, resting and enjoying my second trach tube and yet another nasal feeding tube.  Still no word about IV antibiotics and other horrors from last year's surgery.

Starting next week we are sucked fully back into the vortex with a series of appointments and tests leading up to the surgery date, and prepping our house to serve again as a field clinic.

After a while this just seems like a normal life to us--for six+ years now we've had precious little time to settle into any kind of routine and have no medical issues to deal with--just a constant stream of minor and major events that remind me every day that getting rid of cancer in my body has not meant getting rid of it in my life.  And, with this new chapter, I am now resigned to the reality that cancer will always be a part of not just my life, but Terry's as well.

I'll keep posting as June 19th comes around and then leave it to Terry to update the blog while I'm in my "Happy Place" in the ICU, hoping that those dilaudid-induced 6-legged lizards don't scare me too much.


Sunday, May 3, 2015

It Ain't All SFL

After getting word about the date for the upcoming surgery and wrapping up the spring semester stuff Terry and I headed to Cape San Blas FL for two weeks of sun, sunsets, naps, walks on the beach, gin and tonics, and our newest food delicacy--smoked sloppy dogs (smoked hot dogs covered with Terry's great Sloppy Joe mix).  Hey, you get ready for a month of liquid food your way and I'll get ready my own way.

But, I do think that I have finally resigned myself to eating blended green gunk once I get out of the hospital in late June. I will just refuse to call them smoothies, buy a Ninja, put kale in them, fool myself that I am freaking happy about it, and that it let's me assume a higher moral ground over those of you who can chew and swallow solid, high fat foods with lots of flavor.  Make no mistake, I'll be jealous and pissed.

Anyway, I think the only way we can make you wish you were in our flip flops right now is to show you the view from the deck of our shabby beach rental.

Time for another gin and tonic.
