Sunday, March 8, 2009

Need Some Extra Good Vibes on Monday

Please send along some extra good vibes, prayers, wishes, etc, to Mike tomorrow. He'll have his third try at the feeding tube insertion in the morning, and really needs it to be successful this time.

He might be admitted to the hospital tomorrow night, so we'll get the next blog out ASAP after we know the results and get back home.

mike and terry


  1. Mike and Terry,
    Stan and I will be sending our MOST positive thoughts and prayers your way on Monday. Stan is scheduled to have his feeding tube inserted on March 18th. We're counting on you to lead the way.

  2. Glad to hear you are progressing on schedule. It sounds like you have great doctors and lots of cheerleaders (including Bill and I). We'll be thinking positive thoughts for you today and will be looking forward to hearing about the latest battle with the prairie dogs!!


  3. You are both in my thoughts today. Stay strong knowing that we are all cheering you along!

    Ann Kruger
