Saturday, December 22, 2012

Good Vibes for Winnie...

Cancer is not taking any time away from our lives this Holiday Season.  As I am in the familiar wait-and-see mode from my second debridement, we got news recently that a good friend of ours is still battling her own cancer.  Winnie Brown, who was mentioned here about a year ago, has an extremely rare form of cancer that attacks nerve tissue.  In her case, it's in the area above and to the side of her right eye, which is an extremely tricky area to treat, as you can well imagine. She had surgery and  radiation treatments last winter, and had been doing very well with her recovery.  But after noticing some new pain around her eye, she has been told that either her cancer has come back and/or new cancer is present.  She has an appointment on January 8th, at which time she'll hear more details from her doctors.

Please take a few moments to include Winnie, her husband George and their entire family in your thoughts as you give thanks this time of year and as January 8th comes around.  I can tell you about power of Team Mike's Good Vibes by reporting that Flo Prusak is doing better.  She still has a long way to go, but her condition is improving little by little.  I am told that Mr. Prusak expanded Team Mike for her by printing out that post and distributing it to people around them, looking to get as many Good Vibes as possible sent Flo's way.

Keep up the good work and expect something special from Santa for helping us and so many other people as a member of Team Mike. 


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