Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Team Mike 1, Prairie Dogs 0

(Click on photo to enlarge)
Sorry to keep you on pins and needles, but we just got the word from the ENT doctor today that all of the core samples from Mike's biopsy came back negative! With the combined PET scan and biopsy results he now becomes a cancer survivor, no longer a cancer patient. Given his type of cancer and its location--and the relatively short time since treatment ended, the docs are still in a "wait more and see" mode, but the bottom line is that there is no evidence of cancer cells (aka, Prairie Dogs) anywhere in his body. Every day that he remains cancer free increases the chances of staying that way for the very long term.

They do not issue a "cured" status for this kind of cancer until someone is five years post-treatment and 100% clean all along the way. But, today is Day 1 on that 5-year count!

Once we can process all of this, we will send out Thank-yous to the many people on Team Mike who helped us get through this first (and hopefully last) stage. In the meantime, please know that your love, support, and humor (even the sick humor) played a huge role in this success story. We could not have done it without you. Please pass this news along to anyone you know is waiting to hear.
Mike and Terry


  1. Mike and Terry,
    Great to hear this news!!
    Best wishes and have a wonderful Thanksgiving-

  2. YAHOO! Way to go Mike and Terry! I love the latest picture -- you both look great. Breathe deeply and savor every day; you earned it!
    With warmest best wishes to you both,
