Friday, April 3, 2015

I come with my own spare parts

I had a CT scan yesterday and we met with Dr. Roser this morning.  The result of that meeting was to do a bone scan of my jaw with a nuclear dye, to see just how much the ORN had progressed on my right jaw side.  It won't be definitive, but should give them a better picture and allow them to pick the most conservative and effective procedure.  That is preferable to going in with 3-4 options and picking one once they see what's under the hood, so to speak.

Dr. Roser described several options for taking bone and/or tissue from various places on my body, to use to fill the gap between my grafted fibula and native jaw bone: wrist, chest, hip, scapula, and even a small part of my remaining fibula.  It dawned on me that the doctors see my body as a collection of potential spare parts that can be used to fix any broken/diseased parts, like my jaw.  And, those parts are "factory made," not after-market parts that might not fit right, or be rejected by my immune system.

Lucky me.

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