Saturday, March 7, 2015


Well, that about sums up my meeting today with Dr. Roser.

It is now 100% certain that I will have another surgery in my jaw area.  Exactly what it will be and when it will happen is still not decided yet.  He wants to consult with a neck surgeon to figure out what needs to be done and the projected recovery time.

So, the gift of radiation therapy of 6 years ago keeps on giving.  I have a hole in the bottom of my mouth, between my (surviving) front teeth and lips that leaks fluids from my mouth to under my chin.  That leak can't be sealed without surgery and the wound from the last surgery can't heal until this stops leaking.

I did ask Dr. Roser if  it just can't be sealed with caulk, but he said that the insurance company won't pay for that.  Maybe I can get Home Depot to change that--like a leaky roof. Maybe my jaw needs to be struck by lightning.

All kidding aside, we are both officially over this shit, and the thought of more surgery and recovery time is not a fun one.

We will keep you posted, but in the meantime, please send your Good Vibes that we can can get through this current situation with just Superglue or Duck Tape.


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