Terry and I have settled into a nice routine in NZ. We stay in Christchurch during the week--doing a combination of work for here and work for our jobs back home. Terry does her work for HealthMPowers and takes yoga and BAT (Butt, Abs, and Thighs) classes 3-4 time a week, and I get ready for the gigs I'm asked to do as part of my fellowship, and cover bases at GSU from the distance.
On the weekends we usually rent a car and head out to tour the South Island. Last weekend we went to Kaipoura, a small peninsula about 3 hours north. The photo above shows one of the views from the front porch of our rented bungalow. That view didn't last too long, as the clouds moved in to obscure the Southern Alps--but we did have a great time seeing some wonderful sights, including a pod of sperm whales from a high vantage point on land.
Tomorrow we head back north, this time another hour and a half further to Picton, in the wine country. Next week, over the Southern Alps to the West to see the Tasman Sea coast and some of "wild" NZ. After that it will be time to think about heading home, leaving NZ on April 7th.
Even in the middle of such a wonderful trip, Cancer World goes on and lingers in the background. We have not heard directly from Maureen Vellia, but have been told her second opinion doc confirmed the need for surgery, which is scheduled for March 26. That's when her world gets turned upside down--having to stop her practice--and her income--and having to concentrate on her recovery. Please, please, send her all the Good Vibes you can before and after her surgery--she will need every bit of support she can get.
Lingering in our background, of course, is my jaw surgery on May 1. My pain level has dropped a little since Trophy Shard II popped out, but Vicodin is still my best friend on a daily basis. I'm able to eat a little wider range of food, but not much, and I'm still extra slow at chewing and swallowing.
But, since I've received no Care Package of Vicodin from Team Mike, I've had to use the local medical system to make sure I can continue to make it through the days here. Funny thing--Vicodin is not even recognized here, and hydrocodone is not allowed, so my new best friend will soon be...
Eat yer heart out, Harv.
Yes, one of the most abused and illegially-trafficed drugs in the US is readily available in NZ, which would explain why people here are so mellow, watch a lot of The Shopping Channel, and the national blood pressure is about 100/60.
To be honest, this is not good news because it means I have to introduce a new drug into my daily routine and be extra careful to monitor any side effects that differ from the Vicodin. And, my past two de-tox's from Oxy were not walks in the park. But, I'll deal with that when the time comes. In the meantime I will be comfortable for the last 3+ weeks in NZ, and be able to re-stock my wardrobe with great deals from The Shopping Channel.
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