Saturday, August 25, 2012

What a Long, Strange Wait It's Been

You must be getting tired of me telling you that it's more Wait-and see, but that's what's going on with my jaw. They now suspect that the recent pain and swelling are being caused by a bacterial infection, so I was put on a three-week course of antibiotics.  Some of the pain and swelling have gone down, which is positive news--but the jaw area is still not healing.  The hope is that the lack of healing is due to the infection, so it's more wait-and-see while the antibiotics do their job and I can get another progress report after that.

 I did get the right eye cataract replaced three weeks ago, so am still legally blind in my left eye and see 20/20 in my right eye.  The left eye gets done on September 5, so please send good vibes that day.


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