My CT scan showed No Evidence of Disease (NED) which is the lingo for no trace of cancer cells in my body! Terry and I got the great news this morning. That puts me 3 years into remission! The docs will declare me cured of (this) cancer if I go two more years with NED--so more than halfway there!
We'll take some time to celebrate this news, but are already looking at the next hurdle in our path--the debridement for ORN on April 18th. We won't know the success of that for 2-3 months, but I'm told I'll get signs, either way, much sooner.
I won't be scheduled for my next cancer scan for another whole year, but will likely have scans before then to check on my ORN.
Thanks to Team Mike for the Good Vibes on the scan, and please keep them going for the 18th, and beyond. We couldn't have gotten this far without you, and still need your support to get positive results from the debridement procedure.
That's great news Mike!